Software Metrics and Craftsmanship

Software Development Metrics are a notoriously difficult area, there exists a large allure of quantitative measurements that can be condensed into a top-level dashboard showing progress, plan alignment, effort , costs and so on. However, the unfortunate reality is that the collection and analysis of Software Development Metrics is difficult for a number of factors …

UI Navigation – Android

Up vs. Back or in other terms hierarchy vs. chronology is one of the User Experience aspects touched upon in my post UML: Modelling User Interfaces Part 1 – Hierarchy and Navigation. The Android methodology for UI navigation has received some attention over the years and the largest change to date was brought in with …

UML: Aside – Completeness vs Clarity and other CvCs

One of the recurring issues I have experienced with UML, or more generally Model Driven Design is the continual struggle between definition and interpretation. One of the tenants of UML is to abstract upwards towards a level that avoids implementation specifics. However, this introduces the potential for a need of a “Leap of Faith”, something …

Android Resource and the Eclipse switch Quick Fix

In the process of updating and refactoring an old Android project I unwittingly changed a Project configuration option (the “Is Library” option) that lead to my resource file being generated differently. E.g Before After A subtle change indeed but one that caused the following compiler error for each line case expressions must be constant expressions

C and C++ Preprocessor: warp, Clang and GCC

I belatedly came across the news regarding warp, a C and C++ preprocessor written by Walter Bright in a joint project with Facebook. This has been released under the Boost license and is available at The Facebook blog makes the following statement with regards to  improved efficiency over the GCC preprocessor Replacing gcc’s preprocessor …

UML: Modelling User Interfaces Part 1 – Hierarchy and Navigation

This is the first post in a series that looks at the modelling of User Interface (UI) related software using UML. The main purpose of the post is to explore how we effectively model the navigation of a tree-like hierarchy, especially when considering the premise “In a tree structure there is one and only one …